2008年7月21日 星期一

Illustrator Lesson

'' Illustrator'' , the very interesting image maker

Illustrator is the lesson what I expected for a long time, i do not know it very well before. The teacher had deep patience practice the courses again, and recored it to AVI. format, we may learned it again if it were forgot.

Illustrator is good tool for design huge image and using in printing field. It's very basic way to achieve good image. As matter of fact, the lesson is a little bit difficult to me, more practice is the only method to know it .


2008年7月20日 星期日

2008年7月19日 星期六

First Party

The firs party of Multimedia class

It was great that taken place first lunch work meeting at the corner 1st floor of building at Friday noon. There were 7 members included 2 persons were invited this time . I brought up the case of portal store, all the team members thought that is great idea, it is make sense and can make profits as well. But it seems so huge plan and complex structure for us. obviously, it was not the first choice of team.

The team members discussed about that why cannot we people plan a special community website online, for example to have a party website focus on single, living in same city and hobbies like people.Advantage are narrowed down to a simple field, also can expand kind of pary for other group later.

Even though had no any conclusion first time , but it was good start and new experience for these new comers. To consider about more is necessary for guys.

2008年7月16日 星期三


7月16日 上課心得


透過各種團體的益智遊戲或活動 可以達到以下的目的:

2.在過程當中, 了解到夥伴的人格與工作特質
3.如何在短時間內, 以現在的團隊完成任務

為了專案與未來的夥伴Match, 建議每個同學提供以下資料: